Academic career consultant in Odisha

 There are many academic career consultant in odisha you have to search one of the best for better result for future career. 

85 percent of Indian students are concerned about which subject stream to choose for higher education, however, 92 percent of them don't get any career-related guidance from their schools. Although CBSE has made it compulsory for schools to have counselors, a whopping 92% of students don’t receive any career-related guidance during the 10th and 12th.


Career and education-related decisions are usually driven by parents and peer pressure, which is why you have a lot of working professionals in the country who are stuck in 9-5 jobs that they don't like. When you're doing something that doesn't pique your interest, you're more likely to suffer from productivity and attention deficiency issues, than people around you. Not to mention, all the stress triggers that a person with a non-supportive workplace is subjected to.


Undoubtedly, career counseling helps you discover the best-fit career options after 10th, 12th, graduation, and even when you're looking to change your first job. You can also ask a certified practitioner for various psychometric tests that identify your personal preferences, values, strengths, potential blind spots, decision-making & learning styles to narrow down options of educational streams best aligned with your career interests and aspirations.

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